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Please include a detailed description of the issue or question. It really helps us if you include the name of the story and writer if you are reporting a problem with a story.
  • What is all about?
  • is a book lovers paradise where you can discover books for free. doesn't actually sell books. It is just a place where you can unwind and read the ever-increasing collection of books of different genres.All the works uploaded are original and copyrighted.
  • How do I sign-up?
  • From your smartphone, use the drop-down menu and select sign-up option. Add a valid email address and a password. From the laptop/computer, you will find a sign-up option on the menu bar.
  • Is sign-up mandatory?
  • Sign-up is optional but is preferable since it allows the user to bookmark the page last read. It also enables the user to like and comment on the stories.
  • Will work with my Android tablet or smartphone?
  • Yes, you can easily read the stories from your smartphone using any browser.
  • Are the books randomly written or are they in a series?
  • Nearly all the books are written in a series. Follow the title of the book for the sequence.
  • Which book do I start reading first?
  • You can start with any Series. However, for a better understanding, start the first book of the series
  • I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?
  • Go to the sign-in page and select the forgot password option.
  • How do I get a genre-wise listing of all stories available?
  • Select the read a story option from the menu.